- 产品分类:检测包装机
- 创建时间:2023-09-26 10:28:57
- 浏览次数:0次

产品询价主要用于 Mainly used for
Mainly usedin: network transformer 16PIN/24PIN/48PIN and other testing and packaging machine.
设备介绍 Equipment introduction
• PU管进未检测产品、高压电测、电性功能检测、激光印字、CCD检字符、CCD检针脚长度及PIN间距、CCD检测平面度;各个检测项目后单独PU管装,区分不良品、载带及PU 管自动包装功能。
PU tube into the undeted product,high voltage electrical measurement, electrical function detection, laser printing, CCD check character, CCD needle food length and PIN spacing, CCD inspection flatness, separate PU tube packaging after each test item to distinguish defective products , carreer tape and PU tube automatic packaging function.
• 本机将各种检测功能结合到一起实现自动化,减少各个工序间的错乱和周转破坏。
This machine combines various detection functions to achieve automation , reducing confusion and turnover damage between process.
• 机台和SPC(统计过程控制系统)连接,用统计技术对过程中的各个阶段进行评估和监控,建立并保持过程处于可接受的并且稳定的水平,从而保证产品与服务符合规定的要求。
Machine and SPC (statistical process control system)connection, using statistical techniques to evaluate the various stages lf the process estimate and monitor ,establish and maintain processes at an acceptable and stable level to ensure product and service compliance prescribed requiremenst.
参数规格 Specifications
稼动率Utilization rate | >90% | 开发周期 L/T | 60~80天 / 60~80days |
良率 Yield | >97% | 气压 Air pressure | 5~8Kgf/cm² |
产能 Production capacity | 1.25s/pcs | 电压 Voltage | AV 220V |