- 产品分类:铜片线饼组装机
- 创建时间:2023-09-26 10:25:30
- 浏览次数:0次

主要用于 Mainly used for:
适用于料带式端子多合一排插,如SATA、SAS 等产品
Applicable to strip-type timinal multi-in-one plug-in such as SATA / SAS and other products
设备介绍 Equipment introduction
• 分段式组装线。第一段插针(小7PIN、大PIN、15PIN、40PIN)、接地片组装、电测等
The front section is assembled:small7PIN/large 7PIN/15pin/40PIN/grounding piece assembly and electrical measurement and lther stations
• 第二段有CCD检测、装后盖等
The second section has a CCD detection/loading cover and other stations
• 第三段载带成型和包装 (本类产品体积较大,包装换盘频繁,将载带成型连接到机台上,节省很多换盘时间,提高嫁动率,节约载带包装成本)
Third section carrier tape forming and pachaging(this product is relatively large in size, and the packaging is frequently changed,and the carrier tape connected to the machine . Saving part of the change time increases the rate of production and saves the cost of carrier tape packaging)
参数规格 Specifications
稼动率Utilization rate | >90% | 开发周期 L/T | 60~80天 / 60~80days |
良率 Yield | >97% | 气压 Air pressure | 5~8Kgf/cm² |
产能 Production capacity | 1.8~2.5s/pcs | 电压 Voltage | AV 220V |